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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  October 11, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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[talking over each other] dave: back then we didn't have telephones. liz: it was a long time ago. dave: i was likely to get a dime from my parents. liz: to bid on one of these cabbage patch kids. good luck. i hope paul ryan does well. that is all we have for you. we will see you back here. the willis report is coming up next. gerri: tonight al gore making millions for green energy programs you are paying for and what are you doing with your money? one of the top investment strategists in the country is here with advice. welcome to the willis report. i am gerri willis. it is the running mates's turn to square off. the first and only
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vice-presidential debate tonight in kentucky. joe biden facing an uphill battle to turn around a democrat's campaign before the clock runs out and make up for president obama's dismal performance. with more on this neil cavuto from danville, ky starting at 8:00 eastern. there is usually usually this much pressure on vice-presidential debate? is it higher this time around because of performance by obama? lou: that has heightened interest in it. whether -- with the sarah palin debate, that was a nexus of seventy million viewers. and so much interest in her at the time. you are quite right. the pressure is on the vice president here to pull one out. the president performed well. this might not be the heated then you for that. this is a table we will be
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arguing over. and italian-american, makes no difference to us. the fact of the matter is it does psychologically slow you down. you are not inclined to be as aggressive or hostile which is one of the reasons dick cheney when he was vice president and a vice presidential candidate preferred that kind of a venue with joe lieberman and later john edwards because it was a more processional venue. it gets in the way of more heated remarks you see standing where vice presidential candidate last go-arounds. it won't get as in-your-face as the presidential debate got but you never know. gerri: one of the interesting dynamics, when ryan was 3 years
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old, there's a 27 year difference between these two. how will that play out? lou: if you think of it, these are two different generations going out of here. i always remind people who laugh about joe biden, he has been doing this for 40 years. he was elected in 1973 and reelected and reelected and reelected and ran for president twice, has been in countless debates. his extemporaneous remarks of late, didn't get to where he is. by the same token despite paul ryan's relative youth, talk to people who watch as congressional debate, very punchy and clear and smart and those numbers down cold. the only issue with him a lot of
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his friends say is he can get too errors in the data. in these numerous drills they have been doing with him, can you say it in one or two? can you cut it down to one minute or two? if you think about it this is down to making your points in very little time, she bites that people can replay later on. he doesn't want to be on the receiving end of a punchier bite he might throw at joe biden. stylistically different guys but expect this to be a data driven night. fox business network's strength, this will be a nerd fest. gerri: let me tell you, you are nerd number one when it comes to this. lou: i get to this. gerri: know what gets past few. will be about your coverage is the folks you bring to talk about these things. or you going to have on tonight? neil: mitch mcconnell is right
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behind me. a few seconds ago -- what will be interesting is not to bore you but this is the spin room. sort of spinning around taking a look at it. what happens is the floor of the debate a lot of each supporter comes out and try to lower the expectations, then immediately after the debate they say prove our guy was albert einstein and verner von braun rolled into one. used part by selling your candidate short deliberately to lower that bar and afterwards you run out here and you will be a strong behind me afterwards. each side pushing its point that -- i remember this from last week, we noticed this room was already crowding 20 minutes before the debate was over with republican operatives filling the room saying our guy won led
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by rudy guiliani. the debate wasn't even over. we noticed very few democratic operatives coming out. the first sign they acknowledge the president's performance was disappointing so they didn't feel like fielding difficult questions. that wasn't across the floor but the numbers were running 6:1 in favor of republican spin versus democratic. nothing necessarily new to that but that is one thing we will gauge as we always do, the foreign market reaction and our own future market reaction. we will always keep that up and dropped the debate when those futures are creating to remind you that among the pieces of data you have out there, we look at exit polls as you have known covering this so well in the financial community, those are financial exit polls. the futures markets reacting not exclusively to this. it is not just built on one american debate, but it does
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enter the lexicon of their thinking and i think that is something that the we follow and what i think makes fox business coverage unique because we cover both these worlds and bring them together as it is happening which is kind of fun. gerri: no one is better than you to look at this. thank you. now to a man who knows what it feels like when the pressure's on. herman cain, former presidential candidate and co-founder of job creator welcome to the show. good to have you here as always. i want to start with this debate over the jobs numbers. we have weekly jobless claims that drop to the lowest levels since 2008 and mysteriously there is a state that didn't do their reporting. seems like there are more problems with jobs numbers from this administration. what do you make of it? >> one of the tactics of this
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administration and the obama campaign is confusion. the more you throw confusion out there, the less some people focus on the real issues which is the failed performance of this president and his administration. i have a job report for you. i have been on the job creator solutions for for six weeks. let me give you a job report you don't hear from anybody else. in six weeks i have spoken with over 1500 business owners and whenever i asked them a question how many of you have jobs, you could feel but you don't because of uncertainty, every hand goes up. we have done this in 17 cities so far on our truth for we call it and one of the reasons we decided to call this the truth tour is because of the lies and confusion you just pointed out. gerri: let's talk about that.
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the monthly jobless numbers, 7.8% and yet mysteriously out of nowhere comes 800,000 jobs. turns out half of them are part-time but we are supposed to be happy about this. is this administration dumbing down jobs numbers? are they warning us to accept a level that should be unacceptable? >> it should be unacceptable and yet every time you get a number that doesn't add up the gdp went down last quarter. i am talking real live business owners out here and they said we are not hiring anybody. i got an e-mail from a friend who will remain nameless who has government funding for her small business and she was told to count the plumber as a jobs bill. if he comes over to fix the pipes. that is -- i am not making this up.
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there are some sun mannequins -- shenanigans going on. i don't buy the latest jobs numbers report and i don't buy the new jobless claims when they admit a state did not send information. gerri: you are the first -- perfect person to talk about this. you know how it works. is this a case of people -- what shoe is going to fall in january? obama care going to play or the bush tax cuts rollback or the fiscal cliff right in front of us? is that the reason business people are holding back? >> that is exactly the reason. three years ago when i was on the radio and talking to business people they expressed concern about the economy and now we know why. it has gone from concern to fear. they are fearful of the rollout of obamacare and taxarmageddon. tax rates will go back where they were 12 years ago and i had a businessman today tell me with tears in his eyes the luncheon we sponsored that if obama gets
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reelected and he continues to force the rollout of obamacare he will have to shut down his business and he has been in business in this town -- i meant st. louis -- since 1957. because of all of the requirements that are going to be forced on business people. this is very real and people are veey fearful of what can happen if we don't get some more certainty in this economy. gerri: all of these topics will be part of the debate tonight. you have experience with the baiting. you did pretty well. what would be your advice to the two candidates who will be sparring with each other in a round table? they will be seated next to each other. >> here is what i predict. first of all, governor romney and representative brian have three things in common going into a debate.
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governor romney showed that these three things made him -- set himself apart. first of all representative paul ryan will be well prepared. he is very knowledgeable and he is quick on his feet when it comes to answering. on the other side of the table with all due respect the vice president biden, you don't know what to expect. i tell you one thing that i expect. i expect vice president joe biden to try to spin the failed administration. to try to spin these cooked up job numbers. you are going to see a lot of spinning attempts coming from joe by paul ryan is going to be able to set himself apart without the filter of the mainstream media. gerri: it will be interesting. the vice president had a lot of experience with this kind of thing and very good at talking
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to the public. paul ryan has his job cut out for him and he certainly knows his stuff. thanks for coming on tonight. go ahead. >> one other quick thing. vice president joe biden may have a lot of experience, but he will have a hard time depending the failed economy. es hard time defending gasoline prices are double and how is he going to defend $16 trillion in national debt which represents $50,000 for every man, woman and child in america? he will have a difficult time defending those and if i know representative ryan he is going to shove it right on the table. gerri: herman cain, the great communicator. thanks for coming on. appreciate your time. a lot more still to come including new numbers showing how big a bump mitt romney got from last week's debate and the federal reserve says housing
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will get the economy moving again. the big turnaround for a few years ago. the chief investment strategist for charles schwab gives us her take. stay with us. [ mujahid ] there was a little bit of trepidation, not quite knowing what the next phase was going to be, you know, because you been, you know, this is what you had been doing. you know, working, working, working, working, working, working. and now you're talking about, well you know, i won't be, and i get the chance to spend more time with my wife and my kids. it's my world. that's my world. ♪
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gerri: many issues on the minds of average investors and taxpayers from corporate earnings to the living fiscal cliff to the state of the housing market. here to weigh in with what she is advising is liz and saunders from senior vice president of charles schwab. great to have you on the show. thanks for being with us. >> nice to be here. gerri: i want to start with corporate earnings. people are not happy about them. 7% of the s&p 500 repprting so far. what trends do you see emerging?
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>> similar to the second quarter where ultimately we find out analysts said the bar a little too low. it defines whether market does well or individual stocks do well is about absolute earnings and redding come in relative to expectations. you may get a bump by virtue of acceding that lowered bottom. my concern is more in the fourth quarter and into 2013 where estimates are too high. gerri: who do you think will underperform? >> the key will be to look at forward guidance. and divergence to domestic orientation. and that gets industry specific and those companies are likely to do a little better versus the big multinationals and the more material and industrial space that have exposure to places like the european union as well as growth in china. that will be one of the dichotomies in this earnings
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season, separation from domestic oriented companies and international companies. gerri: one of the best is banking, financials. do you see that continuing? >> may not be as extreme as what we have seen at the launch of the quarter. numbers don't tell much of a story. only 7% of the s&p having afforded but so far the good news is financials have the most positive surprise factor. we did recently go to an outperform rating on financials of is music to our years. gerri: one of the issues that concerns me and i am sure concerns you at charles schwab is small investors are getting out of the market. they pulled out $138 billion from stock funds and exchange traded funds since march of 2009. a lot of people are thinking i will just get into bonds and go somewhere i think is safer. probably making a bet that may come back to bite them. what do you thing? >> there are a lot of
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demographics associated with that when you look at mutual-fund and you have to concede that does not involve lows into exchange traded funds and that pulls the equity business and if you combine all of that there is unquestionably discouragement about the equity market which is surprising in light of 120% gain in stocks since march of 2009 and reflects the pain of the 2008 period and the lost decade or the loss 12 year period so it is understandable but what many investors have to realize is having too much focus toward risk aversion, moving all assets in to -- fixed-income in the case of the treasury you are locking in a negative real return meaning yields do not exceed inflation and some investors are willing to accept that because of the guarantee of what the return will be, we think a lot of investors are missing out longer-term in the opportunity of outperforming inflation down a road.
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gerri: you are optimistic about housing. we just had realogy doing well as an ipo. is this a trend that has legs? >> i do think it has legs. we had five consecutive quarters where residential investment which is the housing component of gdp has been a positive contributor. that will be the case to a greater degree. housing is less -- has less weight in the economy than it did six years ago by nature of the bursting of the bubble but that is starting to pick up and not only are nominal mortgage rates at a record low but now the real mortgage rate has gone into negative territory and what i mean by that is home prices are appreciating against the you can borrow it at 3.5% rate 30 year fixed mortgage to buy an asset now are appreciating at 10% rate and that is the latest data for home prices 03.5 nominal might have 10% rate of appreciation at home is a negative 6.5 mortgage rate. that is really attractive. gerri: it really is. thanks for coming on.
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i hope you will come back soon. thank you so much. things are getting better. significantly better. that according to treasury secretary tim geithner. he is speaking at a financial conference in tokyo saying from my perspective the u.s. economy is doing significantly better than anyone had any reason to expect not just because of the magnitude of the crisis but because of the size of the force of the shocks that hit the u.s. economy. apparently tim geithner and company have really low standards. growth has averaged 2% year under president obama lower than the 4 present many forecasts. but don't worry. tim geithner can explain that. the reason for the difference between reality and what was forecast is europe and the summer drought. it is like this administration is looking at a totally different economy than the rest of us. now we want to know what you think. here is our question tonight. tim geithner said the economy is better than anybody thought. do you agree? log onto gerri
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we will share the results at the end of the show. >> coming up on the willis report mitt romney closing in on president obama as the swing state race titans. which candidate will come out on top? we have predictions as gerri willis crunches the numbers next. he is known as the most renowned crusaders for using the wind and the sun to power our country but is president obama it making al gore a winning investor? gerri willis investigate the real facts. currently most gas and electric utilities don't put their payments on your credit report. find out why this may change and what it means for you. we are on the case next on the willis report. ♪
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gerri: well mitt romney win in a landslide. one model says yes and has been right the last few decades. whar will break down in 60 seconds.
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gerri: in august we told you about two colorado university professors who predicted every presidential contest winner since 1980. since the secret in their research is a lot for a college. they elect the president. in 2000 it played a critical showing george w. bush president while al gore won the popular vote. these props, michael barry, estimated in august mitt romney would run away with the election taking virtually every swing states and they have updated their research to show why the former massachusetts governor does even better taking 330 of the total 538 electorial college votes. president obama they forecast takes 208 votes down 5 from
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their original forecast short of 270 votes needed. new mexico move to romney's win list along with north carolina, virginia, iowa, new hampshire, wisconsin, minnesota, the list goes on, pennsylvania, ohio and florida. look at that. obama is predicted to win michigan and nevada. impressive. the analysis flies in the face of many opinion research polls which shows a obama with a slight edge in many swing states like ohio. the buckeye state is critical because no republican has ever won the presidency without carrying that state. the bakers' analysis gives romney the edge due to his emphasis on the jobless rate and income. in september the jobless rate fell below 8% for the first time in forty-four months. incomes have cratered since the recession began in december of 2007 down 7.2% and 4.8% below when the recession ended in june
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of 2009 according to cynthia research. the professor's most recent update doesn't include impact of the september job numbers report which showed improvement. their research says looking in their rearview mirror when it comes to jobs is not a problem because people tend to lock in their presidential choices early. we will have to wait and see. next, after last week's debate met romney winning a swing state showdown. what does he have to do to stay on top? political panel breaks down coming up. from local cmunities to local businesses. the potential of yelp unlocked. nyse euronext. unlocking the world's potential. to a currency market for everyone. the potential of fxcm unlocked.
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gerri: we told you about the government's weekly jobs report. blasting fox business of reporting on the issue, will be reported jobs data to the labor
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department. joining me now senior washington correspondent peter barnes reported on this earlier. mf global peter: blasting us and the number of news media outlets including the wall street journal and others. basically denying our reporting that there might have been some questionable things going on in today's unemployment claims report. among other things that perhaps there was one report out there that the report that the california claims were not filed completely. we didn't report that or file a report for the last week. we didn't report they did file a report but we did report that its report may not have been complete and might have been some and process claims that were not included in the report that might have pushed down low weekly report and was down by 30,000 and here is a statement from california employment
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development department. reports that california failed to report data to the department of labour as required are incorrect and irresponsible and also says california continues to file unemployment claims on a timely basis. data on unemployment claims activity is required to be reported to the labor department every week so i wanted to get california at side of the story. gerri: we came up with this on our own. you got this from your own reporting and clearly this isn't the first time you call for comment. you are familiar with these people and wells forced in washington and certainly in this department. tell me what your source said to you that caused such a careful. >> i talked to a labor department official who helped to write the weekly unemployment report. that was before this just got kicked up about it. this person told me there was a
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large state. this person did not say california but said there was a large state. other economists said it had to be california and likely was california that had not filed or perhaps had not filed -- well -- i am confusing my sources. labor department official said there was a large state that has had problems with its weekly employment filing at the end of quarters and beginning of quarters which we saw last week and it had been trying to get this large state to provide it with complete reporting to no avail. there's a lot more. we have a full story on this on dunstan prial wrote it and it is posted and we stand by it. gerri: great reporting. these guys cannot get their stories together. that is what i see. we appreciate your reporting
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tonight. unbelievable. the latest jobs report is looming tonight over the joe biden had been doing a good job prepping for the debate until david axelrod steps in. it required david axelrod to step in so how will the candidates do? let's ask democratic strategist and justin stacy, republican strategist. start with you. what is going on that they got to bring in the big guns to get this under control? >> i wouldn't have had it any other way. david axelrod the best to prep joe biden for the debate so no shock he would be involved and come in to held. gerri: what do you see? obviously the vice president hasn't debated in a while. might be a little rusty. >> i'm not surprised. the obama campaign is in a tailspin. it is in freefall because the polls have all come out in a lot
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of swing states especially in florida showing romney picked up tremendous momentum after the debate performance so there's a lot of pressure on joe biden to stop the momentum the romney campaign has delivered. i am not surprised axelrod was brought in to do that. gerri: it is critical. when you think about it it is an interesting set up and candidates are sitting at a table rather than standing at a podium. what is your expectation for the tone of the debate or to have a guy 27 years difference between these candidates to be facing each other and talking about the issues? >> sitting down at the table, a lot tougher to get aggressive and go on the attack. the setting itself will diminish the tone of little bit. i am not sure, i think both paul ryan and joe biden will try to get around that. it won't stop them being aggressive war going on the attack but it does limit the ability to do that somewhat.
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joe biden has been debating -- i remember dick gephardt against him in 1988 for president. he has been through a lot of the base and is probably rusty because he hasn't debated since four years ago against sarah palin, that that rest will go off early in early minutes. this will be a very engaging debate. i'm excited to watch it. gerri: we are excited to see it. new polls show paul ryan leading joe biden in like ability. is that surprising given the fact that joe biden is known as a regular guy? >> it is not surprising to me. joe biden is gaf prone. he has had some interesting comments about the middle class the last four years and other interesting comments. paul ryan is someone who even
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though the democrats have tried to sully his reputation and hang the medicare issue around his neck i think the republicans roll out what mitt romney did, paul ryan as a good reputation and he is not gaff pro like joe biden. that is the contrast for tonight. gerri: let's talk about the presidential election for a second. the contenders, mitt romney and obama. romney is getting a bum from his performance in the debate. when you look at the swing states, seems to be doing a little better. is this sustainable and does it put more pressure on ryan to have a really good night? >> it is not sustainable. i have a specific reason for that. when you look at this data when you see is the romney campaign was a great performance by romney and a bad one by the president. that shows up and there has been movement. the bulk of a movement has been
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with women. if you look at the polls, women are in a dead heat between romney and obama. the only republican or the last republican to win against the democrat was george herbert walker bush in 1988. i don't think that will happen. what will happen is you will start to see women shifting back not as far as they were prior to the debate but that will retract a little bit. ryan has to go out and keep those women and keeps that moved. joe biden -- these guys will be talking to women tonight. gerri: as they should. we should be at the center of every conversation. it was interesting. pictures of the candidates as they crept, paul ryan, joe practicing in mode. these two come off completely differently. it is going to be interesting to
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see who is most appealing in this setting. what do you think we will take away from tonight? >> i agree with that. i agree with two things joe said. the cable format of having both at the table makes it more difficult to be aggressive and also agreed they are both going to be talking to women because the biggest change that happened after the last debate with president obama and mitt romney is mitt romney closed the gender gap. republicans don't need to win when to win the election. if they can reduce that to a few points that will be an interesting dynamic i will be watching tonight. to see how aggressive can both of the candidates be but at the same time not alienating women are focusing on their comments that there likable and not too nasty and negative. gerri: we will be watching alongside you and watching your tweets if you are on twitter. thanks for coming on tonight. coming up, how richest man in the world is getting richer.
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here's a hint. you. is president obama teaming up to make al gore richer? one lawmakers upset by this disturbing pattern and wants green handouts to stop. he joins me next. jack, you're a little boring.
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boring. boring. [ jack ] after lauren broke up with me, i went to the citi private pass page and decided to be...not boring. that's how i met marilyn... giada... really good. yes! [ jack ] ...and alicia. ♪ this girl is on fire [ male announcer ] use any citi card to get the benefits of private pass. more concerts, more events, more experiences. [ jack ] hey, who's boring now? [ male announcer ] get more access with the citi card. [ crowd cheering, mouse clicks ] gerri: saving the planet one dollar and a time. climate change crusader al gore
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profiting off investments on companies backed by taxpayer dollars. this is an investigation in a slew of green companies that west -- one bus. losing gamble paid by you and me. joining me with a latest republican congressman gardner of colorado. thanks for joining me. i want to start with our board because this is the most outrageous thing. al gore invested in 14 green tech firms that got money from stimulus programs. he was invested, these companies were directly benefiting or received $2.5 billion in loans, grantss or other breaks from stimulus. at the same time his personal wealth went from $2 million in his vice-presidential years to $100 million. these companies, 14 of them, more than a dozen get money from the taxpayer. why isn't -- al gore gave money to obama as a contributor. why is he getting this money from taxpayers? >> this fits a pattern of what happened the last four years
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under president obama. this administration has been defined by bailout, hand out and talk out and al gore has been a prime beneficiary of the president's handouts making millions by the taxpayers get soaked. gerri: is okay you believe in green energy but why give the money to your friends? why give money to your donors? what is going on? >> from what we have seen, reports that 80% of applicants in these programs through the stimulus were denied and yet al gore's programs, about a dozen were accepted and benefited from his close relationship with the president. gerri: this was $90 billion that went to green energy as we discussed many times on this show. island -- i know you want to talk about solar and what has gone on, they have $400 million loan guarantee and haven't used that. only a small portion of it but they are in big trouble. what is going on? >> it is a company in my district that has hundreds of
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people out of work because of their bankruptcy. this is the third company that went bankrupt through this program but what is alarming and we are hearing from public reports that whistleblowers are saying the product worked fine. this is a solar company. the product work fine as long as you didn't take it into the sun. gerri: is that possible? it is only supposed to work when it is in the sun. >> exactly right and we are wondering because we have indications there were engineering reports that were available to the department of energy in october--when the loan was approved in december so a couple years ago when the loan approved we have seen reports that they knew, the department of energy possibly knew that they had a faulty product and went ahead and close the loan. gerri: you are investigating this. what are you finding out right pow? >> on tuesday of this week we sent a letter to the department
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of energy asking for engineering reports, technical reports, marketing reports to find out what the department of energy knew, when they found out about it and what happened to the people on the ground in colorado who are without a job and the investors who put millions of dollars in this company and people who bought the product who are victims of a faulty product. gerri: hate to bring of solyndra but let's bring up solyndra. this is a company that spent $500 billion of taxpayer dollars and want to file bankruptcy petition that will allow executives to save their and taxpayer money. is anybody going to stop this nonsense out there? >> even the irs has known this is a bad deal for american taxpayers. they file that objection yesterday against the bankruptcy plan, the solyndra file because we have one of the close investors, one of the close friends of president obama who set up a shell corporation through solyndra to take advantage of tax credits received through net operating losses so once again the issue
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of crony capitalism rears its ugly head. gerri: over and over again. thank you for coming on tonight and illuminating this topic. we appreciate it. we will be right back. w do you turn an entrepreneur's dream... ♪ into a scooter that talks to the cloud? ♪ or turn 30-million artifacts... ♪ into a high-tech masterpiece? ♪ whatever your business challenge, dell has the technology and services to help you solve it. whatever your business challenge, you see us, at the start of the day. on the company phone list that's a few names longer. you see us bank on busier highways. on once empty fields. everyday you see all the ways all of us at us bank are helping grow our economy. lending more so companies and communities can expand, grow stronger and get back to work.
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everyday you see all of us serving you, around the country, around the corner. us bank. gerri: paying your utility bill on time to booster credit for, some lawmakers are pushing for. why you should be concerned in two minutes.
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gerri: lawmakers pushing to reshape the way credit reporting is conducted in this country to benefit those with poor credit or no credit at all. that could hurt those who do pay their bills on time. to explain, john paul feiner of consumer education for they want to encourage the
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reporting of on time utility payments. what is going on here? >> not only on time payments but all payment activity at all on utility bills. what this bill that was proposed in the house this week would do is clarify the fair credit reporting act so it could not be interpreted any way that would make it illegal for utility provider, public utility providers to report your transaction, monthly information like a credit card to the credit reporting agent. that is the hypothesis behind this bill. gerri: there could be a downside for people who pay their bills on time. what do you mean? >> this is the down side. if you tell a public utility to report information to credit reporting agency they become covered by the fair credit reporting act which means they have to employ reasonable procedures to assure maximum possible accuracy of the credit report which means new people,
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new symptoms -- systems and new expensive lawyers. what does that mean? the price is going to have to go up to subsidize which means we will all be paying water and power and gas. gerri: sounds like a bad idea. something else entire league. wells fargo's saying they will offer free credit scores to customers. could that -- good, bad or agree? >> i with a wells fargo branch today and pull a flyer. it is not like those for but it is anything we can do to expose the theory of credit scoring and get uneducated. 9 bad thing. gerri: thanks for coming on tonight. always a pleasure to see you. thanks so much. we will be right back. [ male announcer ] at scottrade, we believe the more you know, the better you trade. so we have ongoing webinars and interactive learning, us, in-branch seminars at over 500 locations,
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gerri: tim geithner telling the world that the u.s. has made more progress than anybody could have expected. and no, he wasn't talking about japan. what do you think? craig says yes, he's probably right, that shows just how low the bar has been set for this administration. john asks what fantasy world is he living in. we ked ttha o on 2% said they agree, 90% said they disagree. finally, tonight from the world's richest man is getting richer, thanks to u.s. taxpayers. media moguls and "new york times" majority owner, carlos slim, who has a net worth of $70 million, also has a controlling stake in a company called trance zone. they give cell phones to poor americans think to a government program. the lifeline program was started in the 1980s, but has exploded under president obama,


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